Meet Our Team

Education and Service Development Consultant

Abie Jazi


Adriana Mendoza

Monitoring, evaluation, and research consultant

Ben Siveges

Senior Consultant Psychiatrist

Can Tuncer

Education and Service Development Consultant

Ine Dambo

Consultant Psychiatrist

Justin Kuay

Education and Service Development Consultant

Kimberley Wriedt

Education and Service Development Consultant

Nadya Kouzma

Consumer Consultant

Naomi Chapman

Carer Consultant

Olivia Fletcher

Psychiatry Registrar

Ra Vivek

Education and Service Development Consultant

Radhika Santhanam-Martin

Communications Consultant

Sam Ryan

Education and Service Development Consultant

Shehani DeSilva

Education and Service Development Consultant

Stephanie Shavin

Program Support and Administration

Sylvia Basile