Tag: Resources

Improving your work with interpreters — New resource now available

It’s the outcome of a two-year project conducted in three phases, including consultation with interpreters, mental health practitioners and senior managers, consumer and carers, consolidation and design based on a review of consultation advice and current literature, and resource development to produce new materials, update our online learning module and prepare a project report.

View images from the launch held on 28th October 2019

Approaching work with interpreters in mental health settings includes a tri-fold booklet, a series of videos and a practice tips poster. We also documented the work in a Project Report. Click here to download a copy of the report, and to find out how you can access all the resources.  

Secondary Consultations in a Transcultural Context

This hard copy resource is for mental health practitioners interested in using a cultural formulation to better understand a mental health consumer’s cultural background and how it impacts on their diagnosis and treatment.

The casebook is only available to past and present organsiational partners of VTMH. For more information please contact Dr Justin Kuay at VTMH.