Some VTMH team members with some members of Kenya Community Victoria (KCV)
On Tuesday, 3 July 2024, VTMH hosted a ‘Meet & Greet’ event with Kenya Community Victoria (KCV). This was a wonderful opportunity for VTMH staff and KCV organisational leaders, mental health sub-committee members/volunteers and community members to meet and to formalise our relationship through an official signing of the KCV & VTMH Memorandum of Understanding (MoU).
The event was an inspiring and highly memorable experience for everyone involved. We thank KCV members for their generosity in sharing their stories, experiences and wisdom with us.
We are very much looking forward to working together over the next 2 years to support KCV to centre and embed mental health and well-being literacy in their organisational structure, leadership, programs and activities. Our work together will focus on 2 main areas:
- Capacity building of KCV mental health sub-committee members in their volunteer role;
- Supporting the engagement of the community.
We look ahead with anticipation to building a strong, successful, and mutually beneficial relationship.