Victorian Transcultural Mental Health (VTMH) and GLHV have entered into a 2 year partnership to support the health and wellbeing of people who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex and queer (LGBTIQ) in multicultural and multifaith communities.
The partnership has been developed in response to the “small but growing research literature on the lives of LGBT people from CALD backgrounds documenting the impact of heterosexism within their particular CALD community and racism and religious intolerance from within segments of LGBT communities on their everyday lives.” [1]
Download more information about the LGBTIQ Intersect Project below:
Project aims
ENHANCE the safety, mental health and wellbeing, social inclusion and sense of community belonging of LGBTIQ people from Multicultural and Multifaith communities in Victoria.
PROMOTE greater understanding, awareness and respect within Multicultural and Multifaith communities of the lives and experiences of their LGBTIQ members.
PROMOTE greater understanding, awareness and respect within LGBTIQ communities of the impact of racism, ethnocentrism and religious intolerance on the mental health and wellbeing of LGBTIQ people within Multifaith and Multicultural communities.
FACILITATE outcomes-focused discussions among Multicultural, Multifaith and LGBTIQ communities along with consultations with health and wellbeing providers, to identify areas of common concern and shared principles.
Resources and consultation
Resources will include
- ½ day face-to-face workshop
- Online education tool
- Practitioner help sheet
- Ongoing reference group
LGBTIQ+ Intersect involves broad community consultations that will assist GLHV and VTMH develop culturally sensitive LGBTIQ+ inclusive sector and community training, e-resources and online tools.
Noto, O., Leonard, W. and Mitchell, A. (2014). “Nothing for them”: Understanding the support needs of LGBT young people from refugee and newly arrived backgrounds. Monograph Series No. 94. Melbourne: The Australian Research Centre in Sex, Health & Society, Latrobe University.
How to get involved
- Join a consultation group, share your experience
- Facilitate a consultation in your community (LGBTIQ, multifaith and/or multicultural)
- Share the project information amongst your networks and communities
- Complete an online survey
- Participate in a confidential interview
- Register interest on our project data base
- Nominate your service to trial and/or review a resource or training
- Request the training for your service
Both GLHV and VTMH have a long history of advocacy, community engagement and sector development within a human rights framework.
Please contact vtmh@svha.org.au if you would like to discuss your involvement during the consultation phase of this project.