Reports & Publications

Evaluation of cultural responsiveness using a transcultural secondary consultation model
Santhanam-Martin, R., Fraser, N., Jenkins, A. & Tuncer, C. (2017). Evaluation of cultural responsiveness using a transcultural secondary consultation model. Transcultural Psychiatry, 54(4), 488–501.

Putting your feet in gloves designed for hands: Horn of Africa Muslim men perspective in emotional wellbeing and access to mental health services in Australia
Omar, Y., Kuay, J. & Tuncer, C. (2017). Putting your feet in gloves designed for hands: Horn of Africa Muslim men perspectives in emotional wellbeing and access to mental health services in Australia. International Journal of Culture and Mental Health, 10(4), 376-388.
Providing secondary consultations in a transcultural context: A reflection on a collection of clinical consultations
Kuay, J. & Tuncer, C. (2016). Providing secondary consultation in a transcultural context: A reflection on a collection of clinical consultations. Fitzroy, VIC: Victorian Transcultural Mental Health.
Responding to diversity: An evaluation of VTMH programs and services, 2013–2015
Victorian Transcultural Mental Health. (2016). Responding to diversity: An evaluation of VTMH programs and services, 2013–2015. Fitzroy, VIC: Victorian Transcultural Mental Health.
Emotional wellbeing and access to culturally appropriate services: A comparative study of Muslim men of refugee background from the Horn of Africa, living in the inner northern suburbs of Melbourne
Omar, Y., Kuay, J., Tuncer, C., Wriedt, K. & Minas, H. (2015). Emotional wellbeing and access to culturally appropriate services: A comparative study of Muslim men of refugee background from the Horn of Africa, living in the inner-northern suburbs of Melbourne. Fitzroy VIC: Victorian Transcultural Mental Health.
Conducting psychotherapy with an interpreter
Kuay, J., Chopra, P., Kaplan, I. & Szwarc, J. (2015). Conducting psychotherapy with an interpreter. Australasian Psychiatry, 23(3), 282-286.
Our voices: Stories from carers from refugee and migrant backgrounds [Video]
Victorian Transcultural Mental Health. (2014). Our voices: Stories from carers from refugee and migrant backgrounds [Video]. Fitzroy VIC: Victorian Transcultural Mental Health.
Finding our way [Video]
Mental Health in Multicultural Australia. (2014). Finding our way [Video]. Melbourne VIC: Victorian Transcultural Mental Health, University of Melbourne & Mental Health in Multicultural Australia.

Improving cultural responsiveness in mental health services: Development of a consensus around the role of Cultural Portfolio Holders
Colucci, E., Chopra, P., McDonough, S., Kouzma, N. & Minas, H. (2014). Improving cultural responsiveness in mental health services: Development of a consensus around the role of Cultural Portfolio Holders. International Journal of Culture and Mental Health, 7(3), 339-355.
Gender, power and ethnicity in cultural consultation
Gudzer, J., Santhanam-Martin, R. & Rousseau, C. (2014). Gender, power and ethnicity in cultural consultation. In L. Kirmayer, J. Gudzer & C. Rousseau (Eds.), Cultural consultation: Encountering the other in mental health care (pp. 163-182). New York, NY: Springer.