This year, two new workshops are being offered as part the cluster training calendars. These are designed for individuals who have previously attended VTMH introductory training and would like to deepen their understanding and skills for everyday practice.
Recovery and Diversity: Approaches to Cultural Assessment and Supporting Personal Recovery
Upcoming Dates:
Thursday 4th October via the Western Cluster
This workshop uses a diversity lens to explore contemporary approaches to recovery-oriented practice in mental health settings, including working with individuals and families in their social and cultural context, and integrating social and cultural concerns into personal assessments and recovery plans.
Interpreted Encounters: Working with Interpreters and Engaging with Language and Culture in a Mental Health Setting
Upcoming Dates:
Thursday 16th August via the South East Cluster (LAMPS)
Thursday 13th September via the North Eastern Cluster (NEVIL)
This workshop is designed for all practitioners engaging with interpreters, and will consider the applicability of cultural safety and cultural humility in interpreted encounter, explore the role of the interpreter and the practitioner, and discuss engagement strategies prior to, during and after the interpreted encounter.
Introductory training also continues to be held, with four sessions run to date (in rural Victoria and metro Victoria).There are three more sessions scheduled for the remainder of the year.
2018 VTMH workshop schedule now available Download here. For more information, visit the VTMH Training & Events calendar here. For staff not eligible for training via the Victorian Learning Clusters, VTMH offers many ways to learn, including online resource and seminars.