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VTMH June Webinar 2021

Spiritual care responses to mental health crisis and recovery


Tuesday, 22 June 2021


Online via Zoom
— details to be sent to registrants in advance


10.30am - 12.00pm



Event Image




  • Henrique Van-Dunem, Consumer peer worker/consultant
  • Justin Kuay & Tahmineh Salehi, Consultant Psychiatrist and Psychiatric Registrar at VTMH
  • Rohan Souter & James Godfrey, Mental Health Spiritual Care Practitioners at Bendigo Health and Thomas Embling Hospital


Spiritual care responses to mental health crisis and recovery

A collaboration between Spiritual Health Association (SHA) & Victorian Transcultural Mental Health (VTMH), as part of the Spirituality & Diversity Discussion Project

What can you expect from this session?

Responding to the spiritual care needs of mental health consumers has been traditionally overlooked by the prevailing medical paradigm at great detriment to holistic wellbeing. The Royal Commission into mental health services in Victoria has recently adopted a definition of mental wellbeing that includes the spiritual domain of human expression. So what does this mean in practice?

Our panellists will contribute their insights, lived experience and extensive practice wisdom to a dialogue that will be an invaluable support to all mental health sector workers.

This webinar also signals the return of a new series of Spirituality & Diversity Discussions – a collaborative Project between SHA and VTMH, running since 2019. These small group reflective practice spaces support mental health workers to integrate spiritual themes as part of culturally responsive mental health care. 2021 dates will be released shortly.

Read more about the Project


VTMH webinars are open to individuals, from all disciplines and working in all sectors, who are based in Australia and interested in diversity and mental health.