About the forum
Join us as we showcase work undertaken by women to strengthen mental health and wellbeing in their communities.
This full day, in person event, will include dynamic presentations from a variety of community projects, a Q&A session, musical performance, and keynote speakers; Nyadol Nyuon, Sue-Anne Hunter, and Mary Crooks, all captured in stunning detail by graphic recorder Debbie Wood.
Morning tea, lunch and refreshments will be provided throughout the day.
View the final forum program here
View all Graphic Illustrations from the Forum by Debbie Woods
Read the Event Wrap Up News Article
Who should come?
Consumer, carer and community members, mental health practitioners, educators and leaders, and health and community workers with an interest in mental health are invited to register.
Registrations close Thursday, 19 October 2023. Registrations are essential.
Seats at this forum are limited.
A limited number of complimentary tickets are available for consumer, carer, and community representatives. Please email vtmh@svha.org.au to enquire.
To pay by credit card (preferred), please click on the registration link below. To pay by invoice, please click on the registration link below and select the invoice option when registering. We will be in touch about your invoice.
Cancellation policy
If you cancel less than one week prior to the forum (by COB Wednesday, 18 October 2023), we will be unable to refund your ticket as we will have finalised numbers with the venue and caterer.
Please note, Trybooking is no longer supported by Internet Explorer so you will have to use another web browser such as Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge, in order to make your booking.