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Spotlight on: VTMH Team Member – Justin Kuay

This is a new section to our twice yearly e-newsletter. We realise that while many of you reading this do work with some members of our team, many of you don’t know who we are!

To change this, we have decided to share with you an interview with one of our team members in each of these e-newsletters.

This month, Justin Kuay has kindly agreed to be interviewed.  

Name:  Justin Kuay

Job title: Consultant Psychiatrist

Qualifications: MBBS, FRANZCP, M. Psychiatry, B MedSci, cert. psychotherapy psych. (RANZCP)

Time at VTMH: 12 years

Tell us your work story: I graduated from Melbourne University Medical School in 2004 and since then, have worked at St Vincent’s Hospital, Melbourne, predominantly at VTMH. For the other half of my time, I work in private practice providing general adult psychiatric treatment including psychotherapy. 

I have also worked at the Victorian Foundation for Survivors of Torture (Foundation House) for approximately 7 years before finishing my time there in 2019.

What attracted you to this role at VTMH? I previously worked at VTMH as a registrar before fully qualifying as a consultant psychiatrist and so had a chance to see the valuable work that VTMH does. What I liked about VTMH was the opportunity to promote culturally responsive care both at individual and organisational levels. During this process, VTMH encourages reflective practice both within VTMH as a team as well as facilitating similar spaces for discussion with organizations and individuals. Coming from a background in practicing psychotherapy, I really value and see the effectiveness of this in VTMH’s work.

Proudest achievement/s while working at VTMH: Being involved in the spirituality and diversity discussion project.

What do you hope for and envision for the future of VTMH? I hope that VTMH can continue to help support the implementation of government frameworks and policy in the cultural responsiveness space. I hope that organisations VTMH works with can see the benefit of engaging diverse populations and provide them with culturally responsive care.

What do you enjoy most about your role? Facilitating reflective spaces.

What do you like to do in your free time? Play piano, drums, guitar and reading.

What’s the last book you read? The Edge of Collapse series (a post-apocalyptic thriller) by Kyla Stone

What’s the first concert you ever attended? Dream Theatre in Melbourne.

What’s the next place on your travel bucket list? South Korea

Tell us something we might be surprised to hear about you?  I like 80s-style rock music and metal-style guitar. I also have a deep connection to my Christian faith.