Senior Consultant Psychiatrist
Can Tuncer
Hello, I’m Can. I’m a consultant psychiatrist in private practice, and I’ve been working with VTMH since 1990. I’m a Fellow of the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists (RANZCP), and after two years of advanced training with them, I was also awarded a Certificate of Advanced Training in the Psychotherapies of the RANZCP.
I’ve been a Councillor at the RANZCP General Council, Secretary of the Victorian branch of the RANZCP Section of Psychotherapy, Member of the Victorian Branch Committee, examiner in clinical and written examinations for trainees in psychiatry, and scientific committee member of the RANZCP annual conferences. I’ve also served as the Chair of the RANZCP Section of Social and Cultural Psychiatry.
Since 1995, I’ve convened VTMH clinical seminars (Cultural Perspectives in Clinical Practice), which have included monthly clinical case discussion meetings for psychiatry registrars at St Vincent’s Hospital.
I’ve taught in the Graduate Diploma in Mental Health Sciences (Transcultural Mental Health) at the University of Melbourne and psychiatry to international medical graduates at the Victorian Medical Postgraduate Foundation.
I enjoy teaching medical students of the University of Melbourne and at the Master of Psychological Medicine (MPM) Transcultural Psychiatry Selective program, run jointly by the University of Melbourne in collaboration with Monash University. I was also a founding member of the Turkish Mental Health Network and have worked as an associate professor of psychiatry at the University of Istanbul.
In my psychiatric clinical practice, I’m interested in providing primary and secondary consultations to patients of Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CALD) backgrounds.
I have published widely in both English and Turkish on culture and mental illness and other topics in psychiatry.